Saturday 24 September 2011

WINNER. (Almost).

So I've got this annoying niggle about the peom I wrote- "an ode to cigarettes". 2 views according to my blogger dashboard thingy. TWO views! I'm not trying to be funny or anything but those two viewings were almost definitely me going back to admire my self proclaimed poetic ability.

A week later, I wrote a blog titled "the late club". I was trying to be humorous, I don't do "late" like other people, it was about 10pm. Tons of views. What did people think when they read the title? I'm starting some kind of twilight chat room group? Renting a function room in some dingy pub to serve Irish coffee into the night?

Well, at the time of writing, this post has no title. I'm toying with "don't read this, read my fecking poem" or " I'm not starting a fricking chat room". Hmmm.

I do like ye old blog though, I feel I'm getting into the swing of it now. It's just a bit of fun really isn't it. A place to share my thoughts, have a moan or even write the odd peom. Ahem.

Smoking. I'm doing well. I'm very proud of myself. Sometimes I feel almost god like in the control I am exercising over my own life. Sometimes I want a pissing fag. I am chuffed though (bad word choice), I don't even use the inhaler much *takes drag of inhaler before carrying on* which is in itself a real achievement. I'm almost a winner. WINNER. Crack open the champagne and pass around the big fat cigars, I'm (almost) a non smoker!


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