Monday 19 September 2011

The late club

Time for another late night blog! Yes, 10pm is late for me.

Hmmm what to talk about? Well, I haven't discussed smoking for a little while, let's try that.

I keep looking back at my "ode to smoking". How poetic. I wear my heart on my sleeve I do. A real weakness if you ask me, however it can at times inspire trust and respect in others. I'm also quite vain when I'm not being insecure. Hence I have no problems in saying that the poem i wrote is the bollox (that means it's very good).

The cravings have gone down. A bit. God, I'm eating a lot! I don't wanna be a fat bastard. It's almost too late. I've always been pretty lazy when it comes to physical exercise but I was always drinking and smoking heavily without the food so it never mattered... This bloody lifestyle change is a major chore. When you give up smoking you're supposed to be happy about it, and I was for a little while. But I keep seeing myself as a thin smoker, enjoying a fag and a pint and I MISS it. Funny that it also strengthens my resolve. I WILL BE A NON-SMOKER ONE DAY. And when i say one day I mean I will beat the nicotine addiction. I don't smoke. But I do walk around with a nicotine inhaler behind my ear/in my mouth and I crave cigarettes every so often. So I'm not through this by a long shot.

The road goes ever on and on, down from the door where it began...

Time to sign out. *reaches for chocolate bar*

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