Monday 29 August 2011

Still not smoking...

Well, it's been over 2 weeks and I tell thee, the cravings don't get easier to manage. I know I'm obviously still addicted to nicotine as I'm using the nicotine inhaler, but man I just want a cigarette.

I HAVE lapsed- I have probably smoked around 10 over the past 2 weeks- but I'm not going to let that get me down- I have still made a great personal achievement seeing as under normal circumstances I would have smoked 10 before even midday...

I feel better. I actually feel better. This is because I have health problems which affect my chest, and smoking only makes the pain worse. So apart from extra pennies in my pocket I really am feeling benefits from being a "non-smoker". I think this is one reason why lots of people fail. People who are generally in good health don't feel any healthier when they stop smoking so why quit something you enjoy if you don't feel any benefits from it?

I really hope I can keep this up, but I am genuinely finding this the hardest thing ever. I WANT A FAG! Just remember Mark, the reasons why you are doing this- better health & quality of life, more sweet sweet money, Georgie boy & Harry hoo.


Saturday 13 August 2011

No more smoking day 2

Wow this is hard work! I've been feeling tired and ratty, despite the inhaler, which I have been puffing on like a goodun. I feel restless, I don't know what to do with myself.

I think the hypnosis app helped last night. I am such a slave to cigarettes that I get up to (eat and) smoke EVERY NIGHT. I have done for years, even when I'm unwell. But last night I didn't! I went for a pee, had a drink and some chocolate, then after a couple of puffs on the inhaler I went back to sleep. I know that I had the inhaler and therefore nicotine, but I still think I'm allowed to be proud for not stressing my head off or searching for a fag high and low.

So in summary, this is not easy and I'm struggling. I'm also in the process of moving house amongst other huge stresses in my life. One could argue that I haven't exactly picked the best moment, but hey- at least I'm keeping myself busy.

2 days down (almost) and only the rest of my life to go...

Friday 12 August 2011

No more smoking- day 1

I have some health and money issues, so for the hundredth time, I'm giving up smoking. I may just record my progress in this blog.

I have been a heavy smoker for years. It is a way of life for me. I ENJOY smoking. I went to my local chemist which is in asda and signed up for NRT (nicotine replacement therapy). You pay the price of one prescription and get your choice of nicotine replacement products. I chose the inhaler.

My logic is that I have to break a routine, which is just as hard as the substance addiction. With the inhaler, I'm still going through the motion of putting something to my mouth and inhaling. I can hold it like a cigarette. And I've decided to carry on going for "fag breaks" at work, but with the inhaler instead, as well as only using the inhaler outside at home. I plan to cut all of the routine down over time.

Also, as a reflection of the times, I have downloaded 2 stop smoking apps from the Android market. One is a hypnosis app- I have a few by the same guy and find them really relaxing, so I'm hoping it may have some kind of subliminally-positive affect... the other app is a sort of tracker. You enter your details and it gives you info such as how long it's been since> your last cigarette, how you should be health wise at different stages of quitting and also- my favourite- how much money I'm saving!

The picture is me smoking "my last ciggie". I hope. Soooo time will tell as they say. I hope I will continue to blog positive news as my journey progresses.

Thursday 11 August 2011

Totally new to this

This is attempt 2, I do not believe my 1st attempt was posted.

This is my blog, there are many like it but this one is mine. I wonder how I'll use it and if it will be read. My blog will be my journal/diary, somewhere to write my thoughts and views on any subject that I feel compelled to comment on.

Do people read blogs? If they do, will they read mine? If they do, I hope they like it.

Right, lets see if this bad boy works. *clicks send*